Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Missie @ The Unread Reader 
featured me on her blog!

Head over there to learn more about what I do 
When I'm not reading! :-D


  1. That is so awesome that you donate your hair to locks of love! My cousin has lupus and got a wig donated by them a couple of years ago so I can understand how important it is.

    1. I love doing it especially when I hear people say they know someone it has helped! I honestly wish I would have thought of it sooner. I thought the rules were stricter but a couple friends told me about it and that I should do it since my hair grows so long so fast. I try to do it every year now and tell people to check out the website. It is really easy to do and helps a lot of kids.

  2. Yay! I'm so happy you were featured, Jen! I was over there and I absolutely LOVED your post -- I kind of wish I could switch lives with you because it seems that you do so many more fun things that I do x) Like zip lining and drinking fiery drinks... Those are definitely two things on my One Hundred Things I Need To Do Before I Turn 30 list now LOL! :') You wouldn't believe how many of my role models are fellow bloggers hehe <3

    1. aww thanks so much! Zip lining and drinking things on fire needs to be on everyone's to do list!!! LOL

  3. That's so cool! And that fish tank above that bar looks so cool!

    1. The fish tank is amazing! I talk to all the employees about it and I guess a whole lot of planning went into it. It was a really unique idea to bring in business. I wish I would have thought of it! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Thank you for your guest post today, Jennifer. I wish we could trade adventures. LOL

    1. Thanks so much for having me! And you too can lead an adventures life! Just do like I do and every summer think of something you really want to try and then just plan it and do it! Like google local zip lining places and plan a trip! That's what I did and it was so much fun. I hope to go sometime this summer and I'll try to take pictures. I have lost so many cameras that I have stopped taking my camera a lot of places but I'll need to start again.


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