Monday, February 4, 2013

Blog Tour ~ Manipulation by Jolene Perry Review + Giveaway!

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Today I have a review for the second book Manipulation and a fabulous giveaway!

Manipulation (Shadows, #2)
Manipulation (Shadows #2)
by Jolene Perry

Release Date: January 15, 2013
Publisher: Next Door Publishing
Pages: 291
Genre: YA Paranormal
Source: Author
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Haunt Author: Website | Facebook | Twitter

Addison Prince has almost always gotten what she wants. Dean Courser only wants to find his brother, but it's the one thing he’s failed at... Even with his unusual ability. Dean and Addison share the gift of Manipulation—a brief touch that forces others to do what they wish. But when they meet and realize their connection, they find more questions than answers. Suddenly Dean is seeing shadows, and Addison is learning her father’s mysterious group may know more about her abilities than he’s ever let on. As Dean and Addison second-guess every decision about who they are and why they're wanted, time is running out. With shadows following their every move, they're losing hope they’ll ever get to safety—if such a thing exists.

Addison is a rich, beautiful, and privileged girl that always gets what she wants, literally. Addison can touch a person and manipulate them into doing whatever she tells them to. But then she gets arrested without having the chance to touch the person and manipulate her way out of it. She is assigned to a life lessons class where she meets another manipulator Dean. Dean is in foster care and desperate to find his brother and broke some laws trying to find him. When Addison touches him and tries to get him to do things he realizes she is exactly like him. What a great team they could make.

When the second book in a series follows different characters I always get nervous I'll miss the couple from the first book but I actually loved this couple even more! Also the couple had dual POVs which I love! Both books take place in the same time line so there are little clues and even a prologue and epilogue checking in with the couple from the first book. I loved Addie because she was snarky, smart, yet sweet and down to earth. Even though she might not be used to the things in Dean's life she always tried to understand and relate. They both had younger siblings they loved more than anything and that created a bond on top of them sharing a similar and rare power.

The shadows are back although I'm still mystified by them. They follow those with talents around and legend says they want to capture them but mostly they just made them cold. lol The book also dug more into the Middle Men. In the first book it showed the dad involved with them and following into this book we hear Addison's dad talking to the dad from the first book. It is all weaving into a large conspiracy. Slowly things are coming together with little clues about who they are but I am still interested in why they want people with talents. They seem evil the way they collect people with powers but we still don't know what they do with them exactly. When Addison becomes aware she grabs Dean and they head out on the run because it is probably best not to find out.

I loved watching their relationship build and I'm a sucker for an on the run plot line. Throws a couple together into exciting circumstances so you can really see where their feelings are. I loved that Dean was always up front and honest and kept telling Addie he really liked her. Addie was getting over heartbreak so she was a bit afraid and closed off. Their powers were a bit of a struggle too since they can both manipulate each others minds. Addie was worried that when she touched Dean, she wasn't doing what she wanted but what he wanted. And like I said he always made it clear he really wanted her so she was worried his thoughts affected her. Dean is patient and kind. While on the run they build a lot of trust. I loved their relationship. I ended up enjoying this even more than the first and I am now looking forward to the next book Seeker!

"I'm a moron, looking for a kiss where I'm not going to get it," I tease.
"Dean." She shakes her head. "Don't. When we kiss I don't want to feel like you forced it on me." She starts down the ladder.
"Wait, did you just say, when?" As in, you think that at some point--"

"Why am I hanging out with you?"
"Cause I'm damn near irresistible." He winks. Winks!

"I think I will go absolutely, completely insane if I can't feel your lips against mine."

Rating: 4/5

Jolene kissed a boy on her high school graduation night. One she’d wanted to kiss for a long time. They got married two years later, have built two homes together, survived military deployments, law school, student loan debt, and two children.

Jolene plays the guitar, takes pictures, and loves to hike. She doesn’t like rivers, but loves the ocean. She loves to fly, but gets motion sick. Her ultimate vacation would be to sail through the deserted islands in The Bahamas. Two years ago, she got that wish when her parents retired on a sailboat.

She taught high school French when she was only a few years older than her students, and then taught middle school math with her degree in political science and French. She spends grocery money on designer fabric, shoes, and books.

Jolene cannot express how many times she wished she could write a whole novel. And now she has. Several times. Life is good.



  1. I am so glad you liked this one just as much (if not more) that the first one! You just never know with second books how they will end up.

  2. Ooo this is my favorite type of series, where each book features a new couple and how exciting that you liked this more than the first.

  3. I didn't know this was a series! I really enjoy Jolene Perry's books, so I should probably try this series out. I love the sound of the characters and their abilities seem like so much fun!
    I haven't read many books where the next installment features new characters, but it sounds awesome.
    Plus, the quotes you shared made me want to read it right away! Sounds like these 2 have awesome chemistry and some great banter between them.
    Lovely review, Jennifer! :)

  4. I haven't read the first book, but it sounds like a good series. I have a few of her books, but have yet to read them. I don't know what I'm waiting for!!

  5. Awesome review. I guess its because of the blog tour but I've been seeing this one everywhere. Sounds like a good series.

  6. I haven't read a book by Jolene Perry, but I've been wanting to :) Awesome review! It sounds like a great read. And I love the cover!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  7. This sounds great. I'll have to try to read the first one!

  8. I look forward to starting this series! I love Jolene Perry! :)

  9. It's always a nice surprise when you find yourself liking the second book even more than the first. I really like this concept of the characters being able to manipulate people with a touch. I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

  10. I really like the sound of this, plus your review has me wanting to read it. So, yep I'm adding and hopefully will read the first one as well as this one, soon!

  11. Yay! My review goes up tonight. I really liked it too. I was SO nervous about going in with a whole new couple, but loved how she integrated all 4 together. And wtf was that with Landon?! I'm kind of freaking.

  12. This series just gets better and better! I can't wait to pick them up and see how they turn out. All the characters sound fantastic and so does the plot! Hopefully I get to it soon!

    Brilliant review! :D

    ~ Maida

  13. Not all reviewers like it when authors jump in, but can I just say that my favorite people are ones who bother to put up quotes from the book w/ a review ;-)
    Thanks SO much!

  14. This sounds really good,Jennifer! I had no idea Perry writes Paranornal. Grad you liked the story!

  15. I think I enter my goodreads and my tbr right if not let me know I loved your review and had already add it to my tbr.

  16. I felt like it's all weaving together too.
    Here's my post for the tour!

  17. I love Jolene’s contemporary ad NA books but I haven’t read this one or any of her paranormal books yet…


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