Wednesday, February 20, 2013

YA Paranormal Giveaway Hop! (INT)

One winner will receive Shattered Souls by Mary Lindsey

A thrilling debut story of death, love, destiny, and danger Lenzi hears voices and has visions - gravestones, floods, a boy with steel gray eyes. Her boyfriend, Zak, can't help, and everything keeps getting louder and more intense. Then Lenzi meets Alden, the boy from her dreams, who reveals that she's a reincarnated Speaker - someone who can talk to and help lost souls - and that he has been her Protector for centuries. Now Lenzi must choose between her life with Zak and the life she is destined to lead with Alden. But time is running out: a malevolent spirit is out to destroy Lenzi, and he will kill her if she doesn't make a decision soon.

Open INT as long as the Book Depository delivers to your country. Click here to check. 
All rules listed in rafflecopter terms & conditions. Thanks for stopping by!

Keep hopping for more chances to win!


  1. I'm super into Supernatural. I love the relationship the brothers have, especially this season.

  2. I love Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries. And I love a lot of books on the topic :)

  3. I love love love love the tv-show supernatural

  4. I love the book series "The League" by Sherrilyn Kenyon, and I love the movie series "Twilight"

  5. Sorry, but movie would have to be the Twilight Saga, love the books and the movies. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Creature: Vampire, Book: Unravel Me :)

  7. The Mediator series by Meg Cabot. Oldie but goodie.

  8. Favorite TV show... SO hard to choose.. I'm gonna go with Merlin though, I was so in love with it, it was epic!

  9. I love YA Paranormal books. Thinking back on my favorites, I would have to go with "Poison Study" and "Cinder." In "Poison Study," there is an unexpected romance with real, deep character development. I love the character of Valek. He appears to be inhuman only to be one of the very human characters in the story. In "Cinder," I appreciate how closely the author followed the fairytale of 'Cinderella' without being confined by it. There was still a lot of freedom in Marissa Meyer's universe and I kept find myself wondering how is she going to fit that into this story?
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  10. I loved the Twilight books and the Harry Dresden tv series (wasn't on very long but was great)! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

    Suz Reads

  11. Hmmm ummm Fury by Laurann Dohner.

  12. I LOVE Walking Dead!

  13. Favorite TV show by far is The Walking Dead.

  14. Favorite TV show is definitely Supernatural! It has a little of everything.

  15. I can't choose just ONE book :P
    My fav oaranormal series are: the Immortals after dark series and the Lords of the Underworld series :D
    My fav tv show (ever!) is Once Upon a Time *_*

  16. I loved Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Spike I love youuu!!! lol
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  17. I liked the show that was on tv - The Secret Circle (but that got cancelled) I also like Vampire Diaries..thanks for the giveaway!!

  18. I'm really loving the Vampire Diaries at the minute

  19. Favorite creature - witch
    Favorite TV show - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Favorite movie - Harry Potter


  20. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    Beautiful Creatures!! Thank you:)

    Love ghosts and vampires and witches and basically everything:)

  21. My favorite YA paranormal books are Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments serise.
    Favorite Paranormal books are Karen Marie Moning Fever series.
    Favorite creature: vampire

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. I am a huge fan of dragons! My favorite paranormal series are The Infernal Devices and the Lux Series. I also really like the Mara Dyer series! Thank you for the giveaway!

  23. Favourite TV show has to be Supernatural. I LOVE it! Especially Dean ;)
    Thanks for the giveaway

    ~ Yvonne

  24. Soul Screamers series by Rachel Vincent.

  25. I really like the Paranormalcy series and my favorite paranormal TV show is Vampire Diaries. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. Favorite paranormal book: I have so many... So I'm just going with a recent one - Awakened by Inger Iversen.
    Creature: I have to go with vampires! And werewolves. Can't choose. =$
    TV show: Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
    Movie: Harry Potter. All movies. ♥

    Thanks for the giveaway! :]

  27. Okay,
    Favorite paranormal book: The Morganville Vampires series
    Favorite creature: Werewolves or shifters
    Favorite tv show: Grimm, Merlin and Being Human
    Favorite movie: Night of the Living Dead =)

    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  28. ok so favorite paranormal creature would be werewolf. Book? I loved hemlock by kathleen peacock! as for movie.. I dont really watch paranormal movies all that much. Tv show? The Vampire Diaries! :D

    thanks for this awesome giveaway,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  29. My favorite paranormal TV show is probably American Horror Story.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  30. Walking Dead! Battlestar Galatica! Farscape! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  31. I love the Hex hall and Lux series!

  32. paranormal book: hush hush
    I love vampires

  33. Favorite paranormal creature: Werewolves and reapers
    Thanks for the chance!

  34. I love love love the Vampire Diaries!!! :D

  35. I love Castiel the Angel from TV's SUPERNATURAL.

  36. Georgina Kincaid series by Richelle Mead

  37. I love supernaturial!
    And let me think about my book choice, The Infernal Divices.


  38. Book: The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton
    and TV Show: Supernaturals

  39. I love paranormal creature Werewolf and Shifter :)

  40. I love Angels. I like the movie Legion. :)

  41. My favorite book at the moment is Shadow's Claim by Kresley Cole. My favorite creatures are a vampires and werwolves. My favorite TV shows are Grimm and Once Upon a Time. Thank you for the giveaway!

  42. My favorite TV shiw is Buffy. After all these years I still love it!

  43. Favorite TV show is The Vampire Diaries.

  44. I love gargoyles. There's something about the rock-hard exterior... LOL

  45. I've just discovered the UK version of Being Human on Netflix and love it.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  46. Fave T.V. show...Vampire Diaries!
    Fave creature - shifters!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  47. Favorite Paranormal book: Vampire Academy series
    Favorite T.V show: Vampire Diaries
    Favorite movie: Warm Bodies(:
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Hmmm... That's difficult... I love the classics like Buffy :)

  49. Favorite Paranormal book:The Immortal Rules
    Favorite T.V show: Vampire Diaries
    Favorite creature: Werewolves or shifters

  50. Favorite book: Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead
    Favorite TV show: The Vampire Diaries and Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  51. Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. Thanks :)

  52. Buffy and Charmed! LOVED those shows! Now I love Grimm! For books the Sookie Stackhouse series is one of my favorites, along with...The Magic Most Foul series, Katerina Trilogy, Revenants series, The Demon Trapper's series, Beka Cooper series, Hex Hall, etc.

  53. I love The demon trappers series

  54. my favorite paranormal book was Acheron from Dark Hunter series!!

  55. One of my favorite Paranormal TV Shows is Charmed... also The Vampire Diaries. As for books, there are way too many for me to pick just one or two. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  56. I love the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon :)

  57. Gosh, I love Angelfall. I can't wait for the second book! <3

  58. Favorite Paranormal tv show The Vampire Diaries

  59. My favorite paranormal book is the Twilight series (until I read more paranormal books). Thanks for the great giveaway!

  60. I was always a big fan of Supernatural.

  61. It is really hard to pick my favorite paranormal book because there are so many. My favorite paranormal shows are Vampire Diaries, True Blood, and Secret Circle although sadly it was canceled :(. Thank you for the giveaway!

  62. I loved Supernatural seasons 1-4 and Being Human (UK). :)

  63. Books: Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead.

  64. My favourite paranormal t.v series used to be Supernatural (the first few seasons), currently it's American Horror Story. My favourite paranormal book is The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong. Thank you. :)

  65. Books: the Twilight Saga
    Creature: angels
    TV: Supernatural
    Movie: Twilight movies

  66. I used to love Buffy the Vampire Slayer now I love Supernatural!

  67. Fave paranormal tv show would have to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer, no one can beat the vampires in that show! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  68. Favourite YA paranormal book: Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor
    Favourite paranormal TV show: True Blood, Supernatural, Buffy, Angel

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  69. My favorite paranormal show would be Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was awesome.

  70. My favorite paranormal right now would be Hemlock, just read it and it was amazing :)

  71. I love Kim Harrison's Rachel Morgan series it is great. Thank you for so generously sharing with us.

  72. I love paranormal genre, I have soo many favorits in it. Some of them are Lux series, Sweet Evil, Unearthly, Angelfall.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  73. Paranormal book: Gah, too many to name. Most of my favorite authors, though, write adult paranormal fiction, even though I read quite a bit of YA, too: Jim Butcher, Karen Chance, Seanan McGuire, Kevin Hearne, Karen Marie Moning, Clay and Susan Griffith's Vampire Empire trilogy. Maggie Stiefvater's Ballad and Lament, Melissa Marr, Holly Black, and Julie Kagawa round out the YA portion.

    Creature: Vampires (and faeries, if you count them as paranormal instead of fantasy)

    TV show: Grimm, Supernatural (mostly seasons 1-5), True Blood, and if you include old TV shows that are now dead, The X-Files, Blood Ties, and Moonlight

  74. I like all of the books from Kresley Cole, Jennifer L. Armentrout.

    My favorite creatures are vampires and werewolves.

    My favorite tv show is The Vampire Diaries.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  75. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I like wizards and witches.

    I love paranormal books, hard to pick a favorite!

  76. My all time favorite Vampire movie is the Twilight Saga! I'm like the biggest fan of this series. I love everything about Twilight. And I'm not afraid to admit it:) My favorite TV show is The Vampire Diaries. Love me some Damon!! My favorite books are Twilight Saga, The Vampire Academy Series, Blue Bloods Series, Beauchamp Family Series, Night Huntress Series and so on and so on!! Favorite creature? I <3 VAMPIRES!! of course:) Thank you for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  77. I'm a big fan of Vampire Diaries on CW! Such a great show!

  78. Does Once Upon A Time count? I don't really watch any paranormal TV shows. I love everything else paranormal. All of the creatures. The books! Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan! I love it all!

  79. Fave paranormal book, Anna Dressed in Blood series. Fave paranormal Creature, Witches. Fave paranormal TV show, True Blood and Vampire Diaries.

  80. Book(s)- The Vampire Academy/Bloodlines Series by Richelle Mead
    Creatures- Vampires, Zombies, or Faries
    Movie- Warm Bodies
    T.v. Show- Vampire Diaries

  81. Twilight for now!! Thanks lots!

    Raffle name: Nikki O

  82. Favorite paranormal book - Daughter of Smoke and Bone
    Creature - shapeshifters
    TV Show- True Blood

  83. I love fae! Thanks!
    Zara Alexis @ The Bibliotaphe Closer

  84. Favorite Paranormal TV Series (that are currently running): Grimm, Lost Girl, Once Upon a Time & Vampire Diaries.

  85. Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my all time fav! But otherwise ones on the air still, Lost Girl, Supernatural, Grimm, Once upon a Time, True Blood.

  86. Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, True Blood.

  87. the Lux Serie by jennifer L Armentrout

  88. True Blood, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries.

  89. I love the Lux series by Jennifer Armentrout and her Covenant series

    Jolene A

  90. My favourite TV show growing up was The X Files, and I think in a book my favourite paranormal beings are ghosts or demons :)
    oddball2003 at hotmail dot com

  91. One of my favorite paranormal books is probably the Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. TV Show is The Vampire Diaries. Creature is a tie between Vampires and Faeries and Demons.

  92. Book is Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice. Paranormal TV show is Supernatural.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


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