Friday, August 31, 2012


@ Mostly YA Book Obsessed 
has interviewed me on her new feature 
Blogger Spotlight and Giveaway!

Head over there to read a little bit about me and to enter the awesome giveaway here!

Annabelle @ Sparking and Lightning is having a followers appreciation giveaway! So head over there and enter too!

Sparkles and Lightning Followre Appreciation Giveaway


  1. So I don't know how I missed it but I just noticed that you listed the Succubus Blues series by Richelle Mead as one of your favorite paranormal series. I LOVE these books! They are so different and unique and absolutely heart-wrenching! One of my all time favorite series EVER and I wish more people would read them. Have you read the whole series?


Thanks so much for visiting and commenting! I read and love every single comment!